Central Administration
Location | Melrose Hall, 4th Floor |
Main Phone Number | 865-974-3177 |
Gretchen Neisler, Vice Provost, and Director | gneisler@utk.edu |
Barbra Giorgini, Executive Director | bgiorgin@utk.edu |
Will Jennings, Associate Vice Provost of Global Learning and Impact | wjenning@utk.edu |
Amy Gregory, Administrative Coordinator I | agrego20@utk.edu |
Tram Kile, Financial and Human Resource Associate | tkile1@utk.edu |
Danielle Walters, COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) Manager | dwalter4@utk.edu |
Communications Office
The Communications Office provides services to all CGE units to promote news, activities, and programs to both internal and external audiences.
Website | Communications |
Location | Melrose Hall, 3rd Floor |
Main Phone Number | 865-974-5752 |
Barbra Giorgini, Executive Director | bgiorgin@utk.edu |
Jonathan Herrmann, Communications Manager | jherrma4@utk.edu |
Albrianna Jenkins, Communications & Event Coordinator | ajenki58@utk.edu |
Global Research, Innovation, Partnerships Office
The Office of Global Research, Innovation, and Partnerships collaborates with campus partners to develop and implement innovative initiatives that promote global learning, research, and meaningful service.
Location | Melrose Hall, 3rd Floor |
Main Phone Number | 865-974-6676 |
Rachel Rui, Director | jrui@utk.edu |
Sean Lawrie, Asst Director, Partnership Development & Impact | slawrie@utk.edu |
Peggy Myers, Administrative Coordinator I | pmyers1@utk.edu |
Daisy Shen, Administrative Coordinator I | jshen19@utk.edu |
English Language Institute
The English Language Institute was organized in 1978 by a campus-wide interdisciplinary committee to provide intensive English language study for prospective University of Tennessee students, visitors, and professionals. Its mission is to offer a sound program of instruction in English as a second language, to promote research in language pedagogy, and to provide a language learning resource for Tennessee’s non–English speaking public.
Website | |
Location |
LocationConference Center Building, Suite 120 (600 Henley Street) |
Main Phone Number | 865-974-3404 |
Todd Beard, Director | tbeard9@utk.edu |
Douglas Terry, Teaching Associate | dterry1@utk.edu |
Avie Owensby, Admissions Specialist | |
Amanda Dascomb, Instructional Designer | adascomb@utk.edu |
Global Security, Risk, and Resilience Office
Location | Melrose Hall, 3rd Floor |
Main Phone Number | 865-974-3177 |
Shawn Lenker, Asst Director for Global Risk Mgmt | slenker@utk.edu |
Dondre Hess, Manager of Global Health and Safety | dhess4@utk.edu |
Katie Shannon, Administrative Associate | lshanno4@utk.edu |
International House
The I-House is proud to welcome international and domestic students to engage and grow as global citizens by hosting a variety of culturally immersive programs and events throughout the year.
Website | I-House |
Location | International House |
Main Phone Number | 865-974-4453 |
Lauren Wood, Director | lwood16@utk.edu |
Cymone Samuels, Program Coordinator | csamuel2@utk.edu |
Leann Cooney, Operations Specialist | lcooney3@utk.edu |
Vacant, Graduate Assistant | ihousega1@utk.edu |
Jenny Ott, Graduate Assistant | ihousega2@utk.edu |
Vacant, Graduate Assistant | ihousega3@utk.edu |
International House Reception Desk | ihouse@utk.edu |
International Student and Scholar Services
The International Student and Scholar Services team provides orientation and advising to international students after they have been admitted to the university. ISSS also works with UT departments and colleges to serve international scholars who visit our campus in order to lecture, teach or conduct research.
Website | ISSS |
Location | International House |
Main Phone Number | 865-974-3177 |
William Vittetoe, Director | wvitteto@utk.edu |
Vacant, Assistant Director | |
David P. Lawson, Coordinator II | dplawson@utk.edu |
Elizabeth Clevenger, Coordinator I | ccleven2@utk.edu |
Brian Todd, Coordinator I | btodd@utk.edu |
Yevgeniya Teyfukova, Coordinator I | yevie@utk.edu |
Anna Kholod, Coordinator I | akholod@utk.edu |
Yana Mitsos, New Student and Special Programs Coordinator | jmitsos@utk.edu |
Valentina Gómez, Graduate Student Assistant | international@utk.edu |
Programs Abroad Office
The Programs Abroad Office is committed to fostering global awareness and academic, personal, and professional growth by offering a broad range of study, internship, research, and service-learning opportunities outside the United States.
Website | PAO |
Location | Melrose Hall, 2nd Floor |
Main Phone Number | 865-974-3177 |
Kate Scott, Director | kscott71@utk.edu |
Annalise Bryant, Assistant Director | abryan17@utk.edu |
Gisela Goeritz, Financial Associate II | ggoeritz@utk.edu |
Tessa Takash, Senior Program Coordinator | ttakash@utk.edu |
Brad Rasmussen, Senior Program Coordinator | brasmus4@utk.edu |
Rachel Bornstein, Coordinator I | rbornste@utk.edu |
Joshua Spurling, Coordinator I | jspurli2@utk.edu |
Vacant, Coordinator I | |
Payton Krumholz, Coordinator I | pkrumhol@utk.edu |
Vols Abroad Lounge (for students looking to explore options to study abroad) | volsabroad@utk.edu |