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CGE Announces 2021 -22 Global Catalyst Faculty Research Grants Awardees

Faculty talk in greenhouseThe University of Tennessee, Knoxville’s Global Catalyst Faculty Research Grant Program is a joint effort of UT’s Center for Global Engagement and the Office of Research, Innovation, and Economic Development. The program provides funding for faculty-led partnerships with international universities, institutions of higher education, and research institutes.

The focus of these funds is specifically aimed at creating a strong foundation for or conducting globally-engaged collaborative research, scholarship, and creative activities. Generating at least one external research proposal submission is a key deliverable of the Global Catalyst Faculty Research Grant Program. Proposal submissions should support international activities and should be submitted no more than one-year after the seed award end date.

Congratulations to the 2021- 22 grant awardees listed below. Learn more about the Global Catalyst Grants Program here:

Research Grant Proposal Title Awardee Department Award Amount
Developing Faculty Educators at a New International College of Veterinary Medicine in Egypt India Lane Veterinary Medicine $5,000
Supporting Student’s International Collaboration to Enhance Active US-Israel Binational Agricultural Research and Development (BARD) Partnership in Climate Change Research Debasish Saha Biosystems Engineering and Soil Science $5,000
Public Interiority: Bucharest Liz Teston Interior Architecture $5,000
Integrated Research and Education in Social Robotics Xiaopeng Zhao Mechanical Engineering $5,000
From 18th-Century “Period Style” to Empowered World-Making Misty G Anderson English $23,883
Belize study and research program Andrew Cushing Small Animal Clinic $7,580
Social Networks of Southeast Asian Palm Oil Capitalists Paul Kenneth Gellert Sociology $17,405
Postharvest Handling and Processing of Shea Nuts for Improved Shea Butter Quality Denita Hadziabdic Guerry Entomology and Plant Pathology $25,000
Entrepreneurship in Cuba: Emergence and Impact Jessica Jones Management $15,600
The South Korean-U.S. Alliance, Threats, Security, and Cooperation Krista Wiegand Political Science $21,650
Occupational hazards leading to gut dysbiosis and increased risk of colorectal cancer among firefighters Ji Youn Yoo Nursing $25,000


Jason Moody (865-974-2168,