Registration for the 2023 Japanese Business Roundtable Company/Institute* Name* First Last Email* How did you hear about this event?* A personal invitation from a colleague I am a past participant UT Website UT Email Social Media JAST Will you be attending the Japanese Business Roundtable on Tuesday, February 28, 2023?* Yes No Are you a member of the media?* Yes No Media are allowed attendance at the following sessions. Which session(s) do you plan to attend? Opening Remarks | 10:00–10:30am ET Lightning Talks | 10:30–11:00am ET Would you like to display items or information about your company in a table showcase on February 28, 2023 from 9 to 10 am?* Yes No Does not apply For Japanese business only.Would you like to join a campus walking tour? (3:30 - 4:30 pm)* Yes No Do you plan to attend the closing reception in the Lauricella room at Neyland Stadium? (4:30 - 5:30 pm)* Yes No Do you need a parking voucher?* Yes No Using a parking voucher, visitors may park for free at the Vol Hall Garage, located on White Avenue.Do you have any dietary restrictions or preferences? (please select at least one)* No restrictions or preferences Vegetarian Vegan Lactose intolerant or sensitivity Gluten intolerance or sensitivity Nut allergy Other comments and suggestions Δ