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Innovative Programs

The Office of Asia Engagement (OAE) works with faculty and academic departments to develop and implement programs that are flexible, innovative, tailored to the needs of our students, and provide access to the underserved student population.
Some recent initiatives include 2+2 dual degree programs and COIL. Email to learn more or share your program ideas
“The office also introduced the Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) program that helps our students collaborate with students from other countries. Rachel introduced the UNiCEN Spring 2022 COIL initiative, the Central Asia University Partnerships Grants Program (UniCEN) to build capacity for substantive international engagement between higher education institutions in the United States and Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan). Throughout the program, my Public Relations Cases students are currently working with students from Nukus State Pedagogical Institution in Uzbekistan to explore strategies for engaging in Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), specifically climate action (G13).

It has been such a joy working with the Office of Asia Engagement that is always there to help faculty members and share great opportunities for innovative teaching, global engagement, and UT community.”
– Moonhee Cho, Associate Professor, School of Advertising and Public Relations