UT COIL Faculty Profile Name(Required) First Last Title(Required) Department/School/Unit(Required) UT Email address(Required) Name of Course(Required) Level (1styr, 2nd, etc.)(Required) Course Start Date(Required) MM slash DD slash YYYY Course End Date(Required) MM slash DD slash YYYY Estimated number of students(Required) Q1. Summary of your present course content (up to 60-words):(Required)Q2. What language do you plan to offer the COIL component in? Q3. If you plan to conduct COIL in a language other than English, please estimate the percentage of your students who speak that language well enough to have a basic conversation: Q4. Do you need help identify a partner?(Required) Yes, skip to Q9 No, I already have a partner in mind Q5. COIL Partner Name and Title Q6. COIL Partner Insititution Q7. Country of the COIL partner Q8. Course Name of the COIL partner Q9. Many COIL courses are interdisciplinary - please identify other disciplines that might make interesting COIL partners for you:Q10. If you have any specific things you are looking for in a partner, please list all of them here.Q11. Motivation for COIL – Please share why you want to be part of this project and suggest any specific ideas you might have for a possible collaboration? (up to 120-words):(Required)Q12. Your research Interest:Q13. Have you ever participated in a COIL virtual exchange before? If yes, please indicate when, with what partner, and project topic:Any other supporting documentsMax. file size: 2 MB. Δ