These have been challenging times as we all struggle to return to normal life during the global health emergency. The coronavirus has reminded us how crucially important it is to be well informed about developments around the world, bringing to each of our doorsteps in a very personal way and no matter where we live, that there is no way to wall ourselves off from global events.
In that spirit, and as part of our ongoing commitment to your global education, we’re very pleased again this school year to offer you an opportunity to get independent, non-partisan news from around the world each weekday morning. The University of Tennessee Knoxville has teamed up with DailyChatter, an email-delivered newsletter exclusively committed to covering global news in every region of the world.
It’s free to all students – and DailyChatter has also offered to make the same offer to our faculty and staff! To sign up, all you need to do is CLICK HERE to enter your name and email address and the newsletter will start arriving the next weekday morning. It’s free throughout your years with us. Should you decide you don’t wish to receive DailyChatter any longer, it’s easy to unsubscribe with the link provided at the bottom of every edition.
We hope you’ll enjoy DailyChatter.
Please be well and stay safe,
Center for Global Engagement